LinkedIn Groups

It isn’t a very well kept secret anymore that I’ve been job hunting. (After someone emailed my principal for a reference BEFORE they’d set up an interview with me!) I already had an account on LinkedIn, so I went back in, spiffed it up and joined a few groups of librarians. There are some really good librarian groups on LinkedIn btw.

I also found some groups that, while the title and purpose sounded good, are virtually inactive. For those of you on LinkedIn, what makes a group click and take off? Are there just not enough secondary librarians for that kind of group to grow? I mentioned secondary because it seems an elementary group is busy. I’ve met other k-12 librarians on the other library boards. Is it how the board is set up? Is it how the moderator networks? I love the general library discussions, but I’d also like some more specific to my corner of the field.

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