From Inkspell

inkspellI just happened on Inkheart from Cornelia Funke several years ago. I reread it and am rereading Inkspell in anticipation of reading the last book in the series Inkdeath.

She is a vivid writer. You can tell she reads extensively and loves books herself.

Meggie, the young heroine, is trying to decide what books to take with her on an adventure. She’s looking in the book box that her father Mo has made her . . .

But her old friends, the books Meggie had already owned before they had moved in with Elinor, still lived in the box, and when she opened the heavy lid it was almost as if half-forgotten voices met her ears and familiar faces were looking at her. How well worn they all were . . . “Isn’t it odd how much fatter a book gets when you’ve read it several times?” Mo had said when, on Meggie’s last birthday, they were looking at all her dear old books again. “As if something were left between the pages every time you read it. Feelings, thoughts, sounds, smells . . . and then, when you look at the book again many years later, you find yourself there, too, a slightly younger self, slightly different, as if the book had preserved you like a pressed flower . . both strange and familiar.”

So my question to you, do you have one or more favorite book/s of your youth or childhood? One that is that it is all the fatter – pages stuffed full of memories.

7 thoughts on “From Inkspell

  1. What a beautiful passage.

    I love all my books, especially ones from my childhood. As a very young child I loved Go Dogs Go. Must have spent hours looking at that dog party on top of a tree!

    I read The Bobbsey Twins a lot and had almost the entire set. I also loved the Little House Series. Love a book called Ugly Joe. Another one I loved was called Bound for Freedom.

    My absolute favorite childhood book was The Secret Garden. I still have my original Yearling copy that cost about 95 cents. I must have read it a hundred times. It is one of my most prized possessions.

  2. I absolutely escaped in books growing up.

    I liked the Secret Garden too. I remember reading it several times. Pride and Prejudice was one that grew really fat from reading over and over.

    Brandon bought me a series years ago called the Bartimaeus Trilogy that I keep reading hoping the ending will change. HA.

    One of my all time favorites though has been Lord of the Rings. I still pull it out and read it every couple of summers.

  3. Probably my all time favorite was Watership Down. I still love to reread it occasionally.

    My Little House set is falling apart.

    Had to get new copies of Narnia and Tolkien as well.

    I hated the Secret Garden when I first read it, which was just a few years ago. Seemed so mean, that little girl not having any compassion on the sick boy, basically telling him it’s all in his head.

    My parents had to force my sister and I to put down our books and go play outside. My little one shows the same love of books, and has memorized bunches of them already at two.

    I think it’s very interesting to note how the way I read and react to a book changes over time — different things stand out, different things are pleasing or annoying. Especially in the Bible. One day I’ll be reading in Luke and nearly hate Jesus, and another day I’ll want to be Mary at his feet.

  4. Marcy, I would still rather read than do most anything – besides write. I even read while I’m exercising if at all possible. My husband thinks I’m nuts 😛

  5. I *love* the idea of reading while exercising. Wouldn’t do much for my arms, but… would certainly make things more interesting.

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