On being a woman blogger (biblio or not)

I love to blog. I love to write. I thoroughly enjoy the interaction with people from other places that I would never otherwise meet.

I love to read the Bible and books about the Bible. I enjoy reading what others have to say about God’s Word. I like knowing the history of how the Bible came to us. And I have naturally discussed those things on the blog. But, quite frankly, I love books. Period. I read a variety of genres on multiple topics. I’d read all day long if I could.

I love learning. I’m almost always taking a class for some topic (frequently education related, sometimes Bible related).

I love teaching and writing lesson plans and reflecting on what worked and what didn’t. I like studying my field and how to be more efficient and how kids tick and learn themselves.

I like to take things apart and put them together. I like to create, paint, sew, garden.

Well, I could go on. The list is long. Life is full of too many things, and I can’t focus on one or two or three. I don’t have the time to post multiple times in a day and work and read and study and create. I want to enjoy the things I do, and when the notion strikes me, I’ll write to share the experience.

7 thoughts on “On being a woman blogger (biblio or not)

  1. And we enjoy reading your musings Bitsy! Whether you are Biblio or not – you are true to who you are and that is what matters! πŸ™‚

  2. He’s doing good! He eats a ton, seems non stop sometimes! πŸ˜‰ He doesn’t quite sleep a long at night as I’d like him to be but we’re working on that – thanks for asking!

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